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Broken Jaws in Dogs: Causes & Treatments

Broken Jaws in Dogs: Causes & Treatments

Dogs may experience significant pain and fear when they sustain a jawbone fracture. The veterinarians at Sawtooth Animal Center are available to guide you through understanding the causes of a broken jaw in dogs, the appropriate treatment, and how to care for your furry friend afterward.

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Why does my cat's breath smell bad?

Why does my cat's breath smell bad?

Our Bellevue vets talk about some of the reasons for your cat's bad breath and what you can do to help treat this smelly condition.

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Microchipping a Cat

Microchipping a Cat

Microchipping involves inserting a small chip under the skin of the cat, typically between the shoulder blades, which contains important information such as the owner's contact details. Today, our Bellevue vets will discuss why microchipping your cat can be so beneficial.

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Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Dogs

Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Dogs

Getting your dog vaccinated is the best way to protect them from the deadly rabies disease. In this blog, our Bellevue vets discuss the rabies vaccination schedule for dogs and why it's important to have your canine companion vaccinated.

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Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Our Bellevue vets see far fewer urinary tract infections in cats than in dogs; nonetheless, there are a number of other urinary tract conditions that frequently affect older cats. Below we explain more about urinary tract infections and other urinary conditions in cats.

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Bladder Infections in Dogs

Bladder Infections in Dogs

Bladder infections and other bladder issues are as common in dogs as they are in people and just as painful and uncomfortable. Today, our Bellevue vets share the causes, symptoms and treatments for bladder infections in dogs.

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What happens if there's blood in my dog's stool?

What happens if there's blood in my dog's stool?

Our Bellevue vets understand that it can be alarming to see blood in your dog's poop. There are a number of reasons why bloody stool in dogs can occur. Today, we share some of the causes and when to head to your vet's office.

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What should I do if my dog has been stung by a bee?

What should I do if my dog has been stung by a bee?

If you think your dog has been stung by a bee on its paw or its body it is important to monitor them for an allergic reaction, which would require immediate veterinary care. In most cases, dogs should begin to feel better within a few hours after a bee sting, and you can focus on making them more comfortable.

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How often should I take my dog to the vet?

How often should I take my dog to the vet?

You love your pup and want to give them their best chance at a long and happy life. That's where regular preventive veterinary care comes in. Here, our Bellevue vets explain how often you should visit the vet.

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How to Help a Choking Cat or Dog

How to Help a Choking Cat or Dog

It is a very scary experience if something gets lodged in your cat or dog's throat and they begin choking. Pet owners should know how they can assist their companions if need be. Today, our Bellevue vets share some signs that your pet is choking and what you can do to help.

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New Patients Welcome

Sawtooth Animal Center Bellevue is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Bellevue companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

Book Online (208) 788-4004